

索書號          條碼號      書名                                                              本數        出版資料

---------------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------

300 9843         C010759   科學天地 : 縱橫科學新發現150 / 所羅門•斯奈德(Solomon H. S                 台北 : 智庫, 1997         

301.3 9307       C019567   科學實驗王. 21 : 氧氣與還原 / Story a. ; 徐月珠譯 ; Hong J                 台北 : 三采文化, 2013     

303.4 3122       C015311   66個挑戰創意的科學實驗 / 瀧川洋二, 山村紳一郎編著 ; 王蘊潔譯                 台北 : 世茂, 2003         

308 0290         C012383;  新編十萬個為什麼 : 化學篇 / 少年兒童出版社主編                I;;II  臺北 : 國際少年村, 1996   

308 4000         C012968;  十萬個為甚麼 / 王建磐主編                                     v.1 c.2;;v.2   香港 : 商務, 2001         

320.34 5082      C010763;  不可思議的科學實驗室 : 宇宙篇 / 珍妮絲.派特.范克勞馥(Janice   c.3;;c.2;;c.1  台北 : 世潮, 1993         

330 1277         C010322;  物理與化學趣談 / 飛岡健著 ; 王國銓譯                          c.3;;c.2;;c.1  台北 : 世茂, 1988         

332.7 1710       C013446   氣體的性質 / 孟令華編著                                                      濟南 : 山東教育, 2000     

333.1 2752       C005826   物質結構簡明教程 / 徐光憲等編著                                              [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

333.2 4692       C011780   基本粒子及其相互作用 / 楊振寧著 ; 楊振玉, 范世藩等譯 ; 章道                  長沙 : 湖南教育, 1999     

338.4 LEE        E003733   The chemical Industry / R E Lee                                              [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

339.54 2121      C000427   放射性同位素 / 盧勝編著                                                      [S.l.] : 真知, [n.d.]     

340 0022         C005946   高中化學要點手冊                                                             [S.l.] : 牛頓, [n.d.]     

340 0669         C014446   課堂外的化學 / 梁文燕主編                                                    台北 : 培育文化, 2003     

340 1010         C001576   一百個化學趣問 / 王嵐編著                                                    [S.l.] : 上海書局, [n.d.] 

340 1010         C010950;  化學五千年 / 王德勝, 朱天娥著                                 c.1;;c.2       臺北 : 曉園, 1992         

340 1010         C011778   化學奧林匹克競賽題解精編 / 王金理, 魏先文, 黃曉華編寫                        南京 : 南京大學, 1999     

340 1010         C014442   化學,好好玩 = Secrets in Chemistry / ()尼查耶夫著 ; 王力譯                 台北 : 達觀, 2003         

340 1010         CD01467   改變世紀的化學故事 = Stories of chemistry in 20th century /                  台北 : 達觀, 2004         

340 1123         C005883;  圖解化學 / 張富昌譯                                           c.1;;c.2       臺北 : 徐氏基金會, 民國81 

340 1123         C010955;  基礎化學 / 張富昌譯                                           c.2;;c.1       台北 : 徐氏基金會, 民國86 

340 1249         C017991   不用怕化學 : 讓你不想下課的基礎化學課 / 孫永云著 ; 趙鳳丹譯                  台北 : 美藝學苑, 2010     

340 1874         C004127   改變世界的現代化學 / 曾憲政審定                                              [S.l.] : 銀禾, [n.d.]     

340 2011         C017514;  打造化學力 : 一網打盡你必備的化學基礎 / 柯布(Cathy Cobb),   上冊;;下冊     台北 : 天下遠見, 2009     

340 2071         C014042   身邊的化學 / 毛東海, 朱江, 張德勝編著                                        上海 : 上海科學技術文獻,  

340 2122         C011771   科學發現真偽辨 : 現代化學史上的重大事件 / 何法信, 宋心琦著                   湖南 : 湖南教育, 1999     

340 2122         C012387   走出混沌 : 近代化學的歷程 / 何法信編著                                       臺北 : 曉園, 2000         

340 2122         C016325   為什麼要學化學 / 何銳著                                                      台北 : 海鴿文化, 2007     

340 2250         C016944   圖解化學入門 / 山本喜一著 ; 曹如蘋譯                                         台北 : 世茂, 2008         

340 2421         C010951   化學配方集錦 / 鄧舜揚編                                                      北京 : 化學工業, 1994     

340 2421         C012373   化學奧林匹克競賽教程 / 張糷[主編                                            長沙 : 湖南師範大學, 1996 

340 2421         C014447   化學原理活學活用 / 陳建羽主編                                                台北 : 台灣實業文化, 2002 

340 2421         C016946   化學,就是這樣的! / 日本化學會原著 ; 江元仁譯                                 台北 : 五南, 2008         

340 2421         C017521   化學 = Chemistry / 徐惠麗...[]編著                                         台北 : 新文京, 2009       

340 2500         C005948   牛頓科學研習百科 : 化學                                                      [S.l.] : 牛頓, [n.d.]     

340 2829         C000198   趣味化學問題 / 徐友森編著                                                    [S.l.] : 萬里, [n.d.]     

340 2829         C014043   敲開化學之門 / 徐炎章編著                                                    北京 : 中國青年, 2003     

340 3040         C011774   趣味地球化學 / 阿•費爾斯曼著 ; 安吉, 石英, 陳小毅譯                         湖南 : 湖南教育, 1999     

340 3090         C013448   化學的明天 / 宋心琦著                                                        南寧 : 廣西教育, 1999     

340 3719         C015312   深入淺出談生活中的化學 / 鄭天F, 姚福燕主編                                  台北 : 可道書房, 2005     

340 4040         C003168   化學 / 李玉廉著                                                              [S.l.] : 上海教育, [n.d.] 

340 4040         TR00195;  會考化學基礎練習 / 李卿蓮, 余偉強著                           上冊;;下冊     香港 : 導師, 1996         

340 4090         C014443   圖解化學超有趣 / 左卷健男編著 ; 高淑珍譯                                     台北 : 世茂, 2003         

340 4090         C017995   3小時讀通化學(漫畫版) / 左卷健男著 ; 連程翔譯                                台北 : 世茂, 2010          

340 4241         C011761   化學世界 / 姚大均編著                                                        南京 : 江蘇少年兒童, 1999 

340 4241         C015310   化學傳奇 : 讓生活更美好的科學 / 姚大均編著                                   台北 : 國際村, 2001       

340 4440         C011524;  「化學」的快樂讀本 / 藤丸卓哉著 ; 劉雪卿譯                    c.1;;c.2       臺北 : 國際村, 1999       

340 4480         C011756   平常中包含了深奧 : 生活化學的故事 / 黃一敏著                                 臺北 : 凡異, 民國87[1998] 

340 4480         C016949   化學 = Chemistry / 黃秉炘, 呂卦南編著                                        台北 : 新文京開發, 2008   

340 4490         C011764   化學趣史 / 葉永烈著                                                          上海 : , 1995         

340 4499         C005947   高中化學導讀手冊 / 林燊均撰稿                                                [S.l.] : 牛頓, [n.d.]     

340 4499         C006568   現代化學的世界 / 林振輝譯                                                    [S.l.] : 牛頓, [n.d.]      

340 4499         C016329   化學 = Chemistry / 林經綸編著                                                台北 : 新文京開發, 2007   

340 4980         C016945   化學趣味教室 / 趙英善文 ; 李英鎬圖 ; 蘇世甄譯                                台南 : 世一, 2008         

340 4980         TR00532   會考化學分類練習 / 趙偉龍著 ; 江琳才譯                                       香港 : 導師, 1998         

340 4980;;630.8  C011769;  中國古代化學 / 趙匡華著 ; 任繼愈主編                          c.2;;c.1       臺北 : 臺灣商務, 1994      

340 5017         C001578   化學奇談 / 法布爾著 ; 頤均正譯                                               [S.l.] : 中國青年, [n.d.] 

340 6040         C004322   化學游藝宮 / 田錫申編著                                                      [S.l.] : 上海教育, [n.d.] 

340 6084         C017997   看漫畫,學化學 / 高尼克(Larry Gonick).柯瑞多(Craig Criddle)                 台北 : 天下遠見, 2005     

340 7210         C011763   不知道的世界 : 化學篇 / 劉宗寅, 呂志清著                                     北京 : 中國少年兒童, 1998 

340 7210         C012378   中學生數理化定理公式概念手冊. 初中 / 劉愛武, 向順剛, 劉仲耕                  上海 : , 2000         

340 7210         C013386   推翻世紀的化學故事 / 劉宗寅著                                                臺北 : 晨曦, 2002         

340 7529         C011762;  生活的化學 / 陳潤杰編著                                       c.1;;c.2;;c.3  香港 : 教育圖書, 1999     

340 7529         C017992   漫遊生活的化學 / 陳潤杰編著                                                  香港 : 香港教育圖書, 2002 

340 7529         CD01465   親近化學的36個點 : 你我不可缺少的化學知識 / 陳朝銀著                         桃園 : 良品文化, 2004     

340 7564         C014041   身邊的化學 / [意大利]羅伯托.魯吉(Roberto Rugi) ; 劉京勝譯                  濟南 : 明天, 2002          

340 9205         C016679;  蘇老師生活化學快問妙答 / 蘇瓦茲(Joe Schwarcz) ; 葉偉文譯    c.1;;c.2       台北 : 天下遠見, 2007     

340 9205         C017516;  科學新聞不能這樣看 : 蘇老師教你聰明解讀 / 蘇瓦茲(Joe Schwarc  c.1;;c.2;;c.3  台北 : 天下遠見, 2009     

340 9205         CD01463   蘇老師掰化學 : 1點化學很有用 / 蘇瓦茲(Joe Schwarcz) ;                  台北 : 天下遠見, 2004     

340 9205         CD01464   蘇老師化學黑白講 : 2點化學很有用 / 蘇瓦茲(Joe Schwarcz)                  台北 : 天下遠見, 2004     

340 9520         C017996   觀念化學. V : 環境化學 / 蘇卡奇(John Suchocki) ; 李千毅譯                  台北 : 天下遠見, 2006     

340.09 1073      C014036   化學簡史 / []J. R. 柏廷頓(James Riddick Partington) ;                  桂林 : 廣西師範大學,      

340.22 0022      C014040   3+X高考解密. 化學 / 馮彥國, 石麗杰主編                                       北京 : 科學技術文獻, 2002 

340.22 2421      C013458   化學顧問室 / 新世紀編輯小組編 ; 曾煥華譯                                     臺北 : 銀禾文化, 1996     

340.22 5000      C005799   中等化學計算 / 王文彩, 田鳳岐合編                                            [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

340.26 2421      C005820   化學要錄 / 虞繼唐編                                                          [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

340.37 0292      C010945;  新編化學 / 郁仁貽, 陳明達編譯                                 上冊;;下冊     台北 : 徐氏基金會, 民國83 

340.37 2421      C010954   化學高考失分對策 / 裘大彭主編                                                北京 : 北京大學, 1997     

340.37 3722      C010952   初中化學 / 北京師範大學出版社組編                                            北京 : 北京師範大學, 1998 

340.37 4420      C010959   初中化學 / 楊正釗主編                                                        北京 : 中國少年兒童, 1998 

340.37 5000      C011775   中學教學全書 : 化學卷 / 楊德壬主編                                           上海 : 上海教育, 1996     

340.37 7089      C007794   高級化學  上冊 / E. N. Ramsdon                                             香港 : 導師, 1993         

340.37 7089      C007795   高級化學  中冊 / E. N. Ramsdon                                             香港 : 導師, 1993         

340.37 7089      C007796   高級化學  下冊 / E. N. Ramsdon                                             香港 : 導師, 1993         

340.37 7210      C010948;  高中實用新化學 / 劉暀紗s著                                   上冊 c.1;;   香港 : 中央書局, [n.d.]   

340.37 7529      C013468   新化學綱要 / 陳孚東編著                                       下冊           香港 : 宏豐, 1990         

340.4 2500       C005945   牛頓化學辭典                                                                 [S.l.] : 牛頓, [n.d.]     

340.4 4192       C010943;  正文當代化學化工大辭典 = Cheng Wen the contemporary dictiona  c.1;;c.2       台北 : 正文書局發行, 民國 

340.4 4192       C011767   正文化學新辭典 = Dictionary of Chemistry /  柯清水編著                       台北 : 正文書局, 民國88[1 

340.4 4453       C012377   英漢•漢英化學化工詞(英漢部份) / 化學工業出社組織編寫                      北京 : 化學工業, 2000     

340.4 6038       C008100   朗文英漢化學圖解詞典 / Arthur Godman                                       [S.l.] : 朗文, [n.d.]     

340.45 4003      C001602   大學化學名詞註釋 / 黃曙平主編                                                [S.l.] : 曉園, [n.d.]     

340.46 4477      C010958   化學奇觀 / 甘道初編著                                                        臺北 : 曉園, 1992         

340.9 2421       C001575   化學發展簡史                                                                 [S.l.] : 科學, [n.d.]     

340.9 9370       C014168   門得列夫之夢 : 從鍊金術到週期表的誕生 / 保羅.史查森(Paul Str                 台北 : 究竟, 2003         

340.92 1123      C005810   中國古代化學史 / 張子高編著                                                  [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

340.98 1123      C014037;  改變世界的10大化學家 = 10 famous chemists / 張學銘著 ; 劉廣   c.2;;c.1;;c.3  台北 : 世潮, 2003         

340.99 0466      C011768;  諾貝爾的榮耀 : 化學桂冠 = Nobel laureates Chemistry / 科學月  c.1;;c.2;;c.3  台北 : 天下遠見, 1999     

341 4490         C019489   分析化學與分析化學實驗 : 升學寶典含解析本 / 蔡永昌編著                       新北 : 台科大圖書發行, 20 

341 7722         C011783   重塑被棄的金字塔 : 化學如何變廢為寶 / 周天澤著                               湖南 : 湖南教育, 1999     

341 7722         C014045;  化學中的火眼金睛 : 現代分析技術 / 周嘉華, 倪莉著              c.1;;c.2       台北 : 世潮, 2002         

341 8022         C012386   分析化學手冊  第七分冊 : 核磁共振波譜分析 / 于德泉, 楊峻山主                 北京 : 化學工業, 1999     

341.037 7210     C011760   中學生化學概念定律公式手冊 / 劉凱旋, 李路編                                  長沙 : 湖南科學技術, 1999 

341.5 4499       C012381   應用食品化學 / 林耕年編著                                                    台南 : 復文書局發行, 1999 

342 3080         C005813   定性分析 / 邢文衛編                                                          [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

343 3080         C003167   定量分析 / 北京化學工業學校編                                                [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

343.022 2825     C013452   儀器分析習題精解 / 武漢大學《儀器分析習題精解》編委會編著                    臺北 : 曉園, 2001         

343.022 3080     C013455   定量分析習題精解 / 武漢大學《定量分析習題精解》編委會編著                    臺北 : 曉園, 2001         

344 4423         C013445   物質的量 / 張連如編著                                                        濟南 : 山東教育, 2001     

344.1 0044       C019487   很漫畫的化學元素118 / 齊藤勝裕[]                                           新北 : 瑞昇文化, 2013     

344.1 1010       C001579   105號元素以後 / 袁自力等編著                                              [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

344.1 2190       C011786   從宇宙大爆炸談起 : 元素的起源與合成 / 柴之芳著                               湖南 : 湖南教育, 1998     

344.1 3414       C001577   化學元素的發現 / 凌永樂編著                                                  [S.l.] : 科學, [n.d.]     

344.1 7923       C011781   元素的故事 / 依•尼葉夫著 ; 滕砥平譯                                         湖南 : 湖南教育, 1999     

344.2 1077       C014039;  看不見的分子 = 大自然與實驗室的化奈米世界 / 鮑爾(Philip Ball  c.1;;c.2       台北 : 天下遠見, 2003     

344.2 8010       C011777   分子、原子、粒子 / 金毅泉, 張賢淑譯                                          臺北 : 國際少年村, 1999   

344.2 8022       C003112;  分子的建造 / 陳國成審定                                       c.1;;c.2       臺北 : 自然科學, 1983;; 

344.21 2121      C013471   物質結構與元素周期律 / 盧巍編著                                              濟南 : 山東教育, 2001     

344.4 4445       C004323   原子結構淺說 / 韓建成編著                                                    [S.l.] : 上海教育, [n.d.] 

344.8 1010       C001582   週期律與新元素 / 王謙編著                                                    [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

344.8 1010       C005812   週期律與新元素 / 王謙編著                                                    [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

344.9 0010       C011779;  元素週期表新探索 / 立方編著                                   c.1;;c.2       台北 : 曉園, 1997         

344.9 0324       C016330   化學元素王國之旅 : 科學大師系列(5) / 艾金斯(Peter W. Atkins)                 台北 : 天下遠見, 1996     

344.9 4780       C017993   超萌!化學元素週期表 : 118動漫少女幫你奠定化學基礎 / STUDIO H                 台北 : 如何, 2009         

344.9 7454       C010939;  週期表 / 普利摩.李維著 ; 牟中原譯                             c.1;;c.2       臺北 : 時報文化, 1998     

345 0026         C011782   走出核冬天 : 核化學與人類生活 / 唐任寰著                                     湖南 : 湖南教育, 1999     

345 2122         TR00528   無機化學 / 何炳權, 梁達明, 李昭中編著                                        香港 : 宏豐, 1997         

345 2122         TR00530   無機化學和化學與社會複習題 / 何炳權, 陳志誠編著                              香港 : 宏豐, 2001         

345 3090         C011787   青銅•古墓•金丹術 : 古文物中的化學奧秘 / 宋迪生, 宋湘著                     湖南 : 湖南教育, 1998     

345 3090         C011789   點石成金 : 神奇的碳 / 宋心琦著                                               湖南 : 湖南教育, 1998     

345 4490         C005828   無機分析化學原理 / 葉治鑣著                                                  [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

345 7529         C004324   碳酸氣的行縱 / 陳道章著                                                      [S.l.] : 上海教育, [n.d.] 

345 8033         C005802;  無機化學 / 上海化工學院編                                     上冊;;下冊     [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

345.022 8033     C013453   無機化學例題與習題 / 徐家寧, 史蘇華, 宋天佑編                                臺北 : 曉園, 2001         

345.147 1010     C004320   氧氣的故事 / 王一川編著                                                      [S.l.] : 上海教育, [n.d.] 

345.2 6060       C000396   十種常用有色金屬(上) / 呂圓編著                                            [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

345.2 6060       C000397   十種常用有色金屬(下) / 呂圓編著                                            [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

345.2 6060       C005814   十種常用有色金屬  上冊 / 呂圓編著                                            [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

345.2 6060       C005815   十種常用有色金屬  下冊 / 呂圓編著                                            [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

346 0073         CD01470   有機化學 / Harold Hart, Leslie E. Craine, David J. Hart ;                  台北 : 歐亞, 2001         

346 1024         C014038;  生命的化學基礎 : 生物分子結構 / 夏宗薌著                      c.1;;c.2       台北 : 世潮, 2002         

346 2590         C005882   有機化學精要 / 朱文聰譯                                                      [S.l.] : 徐氏基金會, [n.d 

346 2744         C016677   有機化學天堂祕笈 / 克萊因(David R. Klein) ; 師明睿譯                       台北 : 天下遠見, 2007     

346 4022         C005824   有機化學知識 / 上海師範大學編                                                [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

346 4027         C010947   有機化學精要 / 朱文聰編譯                                                    台北 : 徐氏基金, 民國86[1 

346 4027         C011765   有機化學 / 高鴻賓主編                                                        北京 : 高等教育, 1999     

346 4692         C011784   守擎韘 : 農葯與人類的生存 / 楊小平著                                       湖南 : 湖南教育, 1999     

346 7210         C011776   有機化學習題指引 / 劉瑞祥編著                                                臺南 : 復文, 1995         

346 8711         C014035;  碳氫一族面面觀 : 現代有機化學 / 鈕澤富, 鈕因堯著              c.1;;c.2       台北 : 世潮, 2002         

346.0022 3112    C012371;  有機化學習題精解 / 馮駿材, 丁景范, 吳琳編著                   上冊;;下冊 c.  北京 : 科學, 1999;;臺北 : 

346.037 2122     C011857;  有機化學複習題 / 何炳權, 陳志誠編著                           c.1;;c.2       香港 : 宏豐, 1998         

346.037 7089     C009894   化學探究(下冊)有機化學 / E. N. Ramsden ; 江琳才譯 ; 蔣雄                 香港 : 導師, 1997         

346.14 1123      C013444   烴及烴的衍生物 / 張洪生編著                                                  濟南 : 山東教育, 1998     

346.9 1047       C001583   高分子合成  第四卷 / 貝利著 ; 洪嘯吟等譯                                     [S.l.] : 科學, [n.d.]     

347 3127         C013463   科學學習遊戲 : 化學篇 / 福鉊迨l著 ; 吉田泰三監修                            臺北 : 國際村, 2001       

347 5000         C013447   中學化學實驗實用手冊 / 馬雅森主編                                            沈陽 : 遼寧教育, 2000     

347 5082         C010760;  不可思議的科學實驗室 : 化學篇 / 珍妮絲.派特.范克勞馥(Janice   c.2;;c.1;;c.3  台北 : 世茂, 1998         

348 2122         TR00527   物理化學複習題 / 何炳權, 陳志誠, 梁達明編著                                  香港 : 宏豐, 1997         

348 2731         C005817   物理化學和無機化學指南 / 鮑銀堂譯                                            [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

348 2752         C010940   物理化學實驗 / 化工科物理化學教學小組編著                                    台北 : 格致圖書, 1999     

348.022 1010     C013451   物理化學習題精解 / 王文清, 高宏成, 沈興海編著                 下冊           臺北 : 曉園, 2001         

348.037 7089     C009892   化學探究(上冊)物理化學 / E. N. Ramsden ; 江琳才譯 ; 蔣雄                 香港 : 導師, 1997         

348.037 7089     C009893   化學探究(中冊)無機化學 / E. N. Ramsden ; 江琳才譯 ; 蔣雄                 香港 : 導師, 1997         

348.4 0044       C019568   3小時讀通化學熱力學 / 齋藤勝裕著 ; 李漢庭譯                                  新北 : 世茂, 2013         

348.5 7529       C004319   溶液的奧祕                                                                   [S.l.] : 上海教育, [n.d.] 

348.6 0460       C011785   電世界的奇葩 : 話說電化學 / 謝乃賢著                                         湖南 : 湖南教育, 1998     

348.6 1071       C010944;  電化學 : 基本原理與應用 / 田福助編                            c.1;;c.2       台北 : 五洲, 民國86[1997] 

348.61 7210      C013443   電解質溶液 / 劉國棟編著                                                      濟南 : 山東教育, 1998     

348.7 1071       C014044   電廠化學 / 劉愛忠主編                                                        北京 : 中國電力, 2001     

348.9 1010       C013442   化學反應速率與比學平衡 / 王篤年編著                                          濟南 : 山東教育, 1998     

348.9 2421       C001581   化學反應速度和化學平衡 / 朱福森編                                            [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

348.9 7712       C005880;  圖解有機化學反應的思路與研究方法 / 邱永亮譯                   c.1;;c.2       臺北 : 徐氏基金會, 民國81 

348.92 3216      C004325   怎樣寫化學方程式 / 潘鴻章著                                                  [S.l.] : 上海教育, [n.d.] 

348.93 1022      C013470   氧化還原反應 / 亓秀蓉編著                                                    濟南 : 山東教育, 1998     

348.96 7529      C000428   合成氨 / 陳舜華編著                                                          [S.l.] : 真知, [n.d.]     

349.4 0026       C005827   結晶化學 / 唐有祺編著                                                        [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

350.34 5082      C010762;  不可思議的科學實驗室 : 地球科學篇 / 珍妮絲.派特.范克勞馥(Jan  c.1;;c.2       台北 : 世茂, 1998         

358.13 4241      C007406;  化學世界 : 繽紛岩礦 / 姚大均著                                c.1;;c.2       香港 : 金暉, [n.d.]       

360 2829         C011755   變化中孕育了生命 : 生命化學的故事 / 徐靜娟著                                 新竹 : 凡異, 民國87[1998] 

360 8090         C013456   生活與化學 / 余岳川著                                                        臺北 : 臺灣書店, 民國86[1 

360.34 5082      C010761;  不可思議的科學實驗室 : 生物篇 / 珍妮絲.派特.范克勞馥(Janice   c.2;;c.3;;c.1  台北 : 世茂, 1998         

361.4 2222       C016676   理科生必備!生物化學基礎讀物 = Basic biochemistry / 山川喜輝                  台北 : 瑞昇文化, 2007     

361.4 4040       C016331   構築生命 : 蛋白質、核酸與J = Noble prize in physiology / me                 台北 : 世潮, 2002         

361.4 4480       C013457   生命化學 / 黃芳裕著                                                          臺北 : 臺灣書店, 民國88[1 

361.4 7210       C011770   被扭曲的反應式 : 化學與戰爭 / x, 盧天貺著                               湖南 : 湖南教育, 1999     

361.4 7529       C016948   生物化學 = Principles of biochemistry / 陳立功, 張洪淵, 何偉                 台北 : 新文京開發, 2007   

363.2 GEN        E005771   The forensic casebook : the science of crime scene investiga                 New York : Random House,  

363.25 BER       E006104   Dusting and DNA / by D. B. Beres and Anna Prokos                             New York : Scholastic, 20 

363.25 BER       E006105   Profilers and poison / by D. B. Beres and Anna Prokos                        New York : Scholastic, 20 

363.25 YOU       E006103   Crime scene science : 20 projects and experiments about clue                 Washington : National Geo 

364 7489         C010758;  一粒細胞見世界 / 倫斯伯格(Boyce Rensberger) ; 涂可欣譯 ;    c.1;;c.2       台北 : 天下遠見, 1998     

367.4 1123       C011759   呻吟中誕生了希望 : 環境化學的故事 / 張中著                                   新竹 : 凡異, 民國87[1998] 

367.4 3390       C013450   化學與環境 / 梁英豪著                                                        南寧 : 廣西教育, 1999     

400 1123         C011757   地獄中燃起了聖火 : 能源化學的故事 / 張中著                                   新竹 : 凡異, 民國87[1998] 

400 2490         C010757   科技才庫 / 曹宏威編                                                          香港 : 現代教育, 1990     

411.3 4040       C019492   吃了會死?食物添加物速查 / 李馥著                                             新北 : 大喜文化, 2013     

411.4 4762       C016328   水是最好的醫藥 / 胡建夫著                                                    台北 : 宇河文化, 2007     

415.909941 9022  CD01466   鎢絲舅舅 : 少年奧立佛.薩克斯的化學愛戀 / 奧立佛.薩克斯(Olive                 台北 : 時報文化, 2003     

418.7 5439       C016326   無毒生活 : 如何拒絕生活中的合成化學物 / 蘭道. 費茲傑羅(Randa                 台北 : 麥田, 2007         

418.7 6050       C019569   認識毒物的7堂課 / 田中真知著 ; 陳柏傑譯                                      台中 : 晨星發行, 2013     

418.7 6744       C017519   我們正在毒害孩子 / Nancy Sokol Green原著 ; 程樹森譯                          台北 : 書泉, 2005         

418.7 7529       C017520   環境毒物學 = Environmental toxicology / 陳健民編著                           台北 : 新文京, 2008       

440.3 4480       C011758   艱辛中塑成了樂園 : 材料化學的故事 / 黃一敏著                                 新竹 : 凡異, 民國87[1998] 

449.1 0164       C019490   福島事件的真相 : 了解核能發電的120個問與答 / 譚麗玲編著                      台北 : 上奇時代發行, 2011 

4490             CDD1162   分析化學與分析化學實驗 : 升學寶典解析本 / 蔡永昌編著                         新北 : 台科大圖書發行, 20 

456 8090         C005823   原料的綜合利用 / 余恩恆編著                                                  [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

457 1060         C005816   石油化學 / 馬大謀編                                                          [S.l.] : 商務, [n.d.]     

460 2641         C014444   化學與人生 / 魏明通著                                                        台北 : 五南圖書, 2003     

460 3390         C019491   綠色化學概論 = Introductory green chemistry / 梁碧蔇s著                     新北 : 高立, 民國100[2011 

460 7740         C014089   綠色化學與化工 = Green chemistry and engineering / 閔恩澤,                   台北 : 五南, 2003         

460 9022         C013387;  圖解生活化學世界 / 米山正信著 ; 張慧華譯                      c.1;;c.2       臺北 : 世茂, 2002         

463 0023         C013449   化學與營養保健 / 應禮文著                                                    南寧 : 廣西教育, 1999     

463 2498         C010942   食品化學 / 續光清編著                                                        台北 : 財團法人徐氏基金會 

463 5072         C016947   角豆莢偷走了巧克力? : 60堂煎煮炒炸的化學課 / 羅伯特.沃克(Rob                 台北 : 臉譜 : 城邦文化, 2 

463.11 1090      C019488   不吃假食物的第一本書 / : 擺脫恐怖食品添加物 / 素人天然食研究                 新北 : 世潮, 2011         

466.41 4188      C013462   顛覆合成洗劑的毒害 / 圖滿工作室編                                            臺北 : 正義, 2001         

472 7529         C001574   基本金屬加工學 / 陳尚渭譯                                                    [S.l.] : 徐氏基金會, [n.d 

500 ARN          E006102   Freaky food experiments / [by] Nick Arnold ; illustrated by                  London : Scholastic, 2010 

500 ARN          E006106   Explosive experiments / [by] Nick Arnold ; illustrated by To                 London : Scholastic, 2010 

500 IND          E002164   The mole                                                                     [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002165   Atomic Structure                                                             [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002166   Chemical Energetics                                                          [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002167   Bonding and Structure                                                        [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002168   The gaseous State                                                            [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002169   Equilibrium I : principles                                                   [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002170   Equilibrium II : acids and bases                                             [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002171   Hydrocarbons                                                                 [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002172   S-Block Elements                                                             [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002173   The halogens                                                                 [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002174   ILPAC Complete Set of Teachers' and Technicians' Notes for F                 [S.l.] : John Muray, [n.d 

500 IND          E002175   Intermolecular Forces & Solvation                                            [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002176   Chemical Kinetics                                                            [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002177   Equilibrium III : redox reactions                                            [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002178   Some Functional Groups                                                       [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002179   More Functional Groups                                                       [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002180   Big Molecules                                                                [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002181   The periodic Table                                                           [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002182   Group IV Elements                                                            [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002183   Transition Elements                                                          [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002184   Selected p-Block Elements                                                    [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

500 IND          E002185   ILPAC Teachers' and Technicians' Notes for Second Year Units                 [S.l.] : John Muray, [n.d 

500 IND          E004155   The periodic Table                                                           London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004156   Group IV Elements                                                            London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004157   More Functional Groups                                                       London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004158   Big Molecules                                                                London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004162   S-Block Elements                                                             London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004163   The halogens                                                                 London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004164   Transition Elements                                                          London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004165   Hydrocarbons                                                                 London : John Murray, 198 

500 IND          E004166   Some Functional Groups                                                       London : John Murray, 198 

507.8 CHU        E006269   365 simple science experiments with everyday materials  / by                 New York : Black Dog & Le 

507.8 GRA        E006268   Mad science. 2 : experiments you can do at home, but still p                 New York : Black Dog & Le 

524.36 4092      C017517   榜首團隊進駐 : 化學科32個高分上大學關鍵字 / 榜首贏家編著                     台北 : 如何, 2009         

524.36 6060      C017518   理化得分高手 / 呂宗昕著                                                      台北 : 商周, 2008         

527.1 2060       TR00551   中學課程綱要 : 化學科(高級程度) / 香港課程發展議會編訂                       香港 : 香港課程發展議會,  

530 ANG          E006207   Quantifying matter / [by] Joseph A. Angelo                                   New York : Facts On File, 

530.4 ANG        E006208   Solid matter / [by] Joseph A. Angelo                                         New York : Facts On File, 

540 ADV          E002468   Advanced Practical Chemistry / ed. by Alec Thompson, Lambros                 [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540 ADV          E003750   Advanced Practical Chemsitry / Alex Thompson ... [et al.]                    [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540 ADV          TR00199   Advanced Practial Chemistry Resource Pack / Revised by Ann L                 London : John Murray, 199 

540 ALL          E001407   Chemistry Experiment and Theory / Thomas L. Allen, Raymond M                 [S.l.] : Harper & Row, [n 

540 AND          E005383   Chemistry in focus / [by] John Andrew, Paul Rispoli                          London : Hodder & Stought 

540 BAN          E001396   Success in Chemistry / John Bandtock, Paul Hanson                            [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540 BAN          E003415   Success in Chemistry / John Bandtock, Paul Hanson                            [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540 BAS          E003201   Meeting Chemistry / Alan Basnett                                             [S.l.] : Basil, [n.d.]    

540 BEN          ED00140   The fondations of Chemical Kinetics / Sidney W. Benson                       [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

540 BLO          E001779   Chemistry and the Living Organism / Molly M. Bloomfield                      [S.l.] : John Wiley, [n.d 

540 BOD          E004367   Chemistry : an experimental science / George M. Bodner, Harr                 New York : John Wiley, 19 

540 BOI          E001408   Chemical Principles / Robert S. Boikess, Edward Edelson                      [S.l.] : Harper & Row, [n 

540 BRA          E002466   General Chemistry : principles and structre / James E. Brady                 [S.l.] : John Wiley, [n.d 

540 CAN          E005385   Chemistry for advanced level / [by] Peter Cann, Peter Hughes                 London : John Murray, 200 

540 CHA          E000254   Calculations and Concepts for Certificate Chemistry / C. S.                  [S.l.] : Chiu Ming, [n.d. 

540 CHA          E004368   Chemistry / Raymond Chang                                                    New York : McGraw-Hill, 1 

540 CHA          E004427   Essential Chemistry / Raymond Chang                                          New York : McGraw-Hill, 1 

540 CHE          E000117   Chemistry : students' book I, topics 1 to 12                                 [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E000118   Chemistry : students' book II, topics 13 to 19                               [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E000996   Revised Nuffield Chemistry : teachers' guide I                               [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E000997   Revised Nuffield Chemistry : experiment sheets I                             [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E000999   Revised Nuffield Chemistry : teachers' guide II                              [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001000   Revised Nuffield Chemistry : experiment sheets II                            [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001003   Revised Nuffield Chemistry : teachers' guide III                             [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001214   Chemistry Data Book / compiled by J. G. Stark, H. G. Wallace                 [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540 CHE          E001475   Chemistry : the chemist in action                                            [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001476   Chemistry : chemical engineering , a special study                           [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001477   Book of Data / ed. by R. D. Harrison                                         [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001479   Chemistry : teachers' guide II , topics 13 to 19                             [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001480   Chemistry : teachers' guide I, topics 1 to 12                                [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001481   Chemistry : teachers' guide to special studies                               [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001482   Chemistry : examinations and assessment                                      [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001484   Chemistry : biochemistry, a special study                                    [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CHE          E001777   Chemistry Data Book / compiled by J. G. Stark, H. G. Wallace                 [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540 CHE          E003413   Chemistry : the salters' approach / Graham Hill ... [et al.]                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 CHE          E003865   Complete Coordinated Science : Chemistry / Stan Cooper ... [                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 CHE          E003878   Complete Coordinated Science Chemistry / Stan Cooper ... [et                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 CHH          E000779   Experiments in Chemistry for Class XII / G R Chhatwal, M Kat                 [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

540 CHO          E000103   A complete Course in Chemistry for Hong Kong Higher Level Ex                 [S.l.] : Chiu Ming, [n.d. 

540 COM          E001004   Combined Chemistry / J Brockington ... [et al.]                              [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CON          E001148   Concise Chemistry / Dennis Garvie ... [et al.]                               [S.l.] : Oxford, [n.d.]   

540 COO          E001290   A first Chemistry / E. E. Cook                                               [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 CRI          E000552   Mastering Chemistry / P. Critchlow                                           [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 EAR          E004518   Chemistry / B Earl, L D R Wilford                                            London : John Murray, 199 

540 EAR          E004774   GCSE Chemistry / by B. Earl, L. D. R. Wilford                                London : John Murray, 199 

540 FRE          E000977   The chemist in Industry 3 : management and economics / M. H.                 [S.l.] : Oxford, [n.d.]   

540 FRE          E004366   Chemistry in Action / Michael Freemantle                                     London : Macmillan, 1995  

540 GAR          E000225   Core Chemistry for the Certificate / Dennis Garvie, John Rei                 [S.l.] : Oxford, [n.d.]   

540 GIL          E001400   A modern Approach to Comprehensive Chemistry / G. N. Gilmore                 [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540 GIL          E003417   A modern Approach to Comprehensive Chemistry / G. N. Gilmore                 [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540 GOD          E000994   Higher Chemical Arithmetic / by F. W. Goddard                                [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 HAR          E001220   Chemistry Matters / Richard Hart                                             [S.l.] : Oxford, [n.d.]   

540 HEY          E000114   Chemistry : a new approach part 2 / Rex Heyworth                             [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 HEY          ED00375   Chemistry : a new approach / Rex Heyworth                                    [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 HIC          E000963   Comprehensive Chemistry / John Hicks                                         [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 HIL          E003204   Chemistry in Context / Graham C. Hill, John S. Holman                        [S.l.] : E L B S / Nelson 

540 HIL          E003969   Chemistry for Changing Times / John W. Hill                                  [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 HIL          E004369   Chemistry in Context / Graham C. Hill, John S. Holman                        Surrey : E L B S / Nelson 

540 HIL          E005384   Synoptic skills in advanced Chemistry / [by] Graham Hill                     London : Hodder & Stought 

540 HOL          E000989   Problems and Worked Examples in Chemistry to Advanced Level                  [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 HUN          E002307   Chemistry / J. A. Hunt, A. Sykes                                             [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 HUN          E002308   Chemistry : the teachers' guide / J. A. Hunt, A. Sykes                       [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 HUN          E003967   Nuffield Co-ordinated Science : chemistry 2/92 / Andrew Hunt                 [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 IND          E001918   Inductive Chemistry for Hong Kong                                            [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 INT          E003414   Introducing Chemistry : the salters' approach / Graham Hill                  [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 JOH          E000965   Chemistry Takes Shape : book 4, teachers' guide / A. H. John                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 JOH          E000966   Chemistry Takes Shape : book 5, teachers' guide / A. H. John                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 JOH          E001284   Chemistry Takes Shape : book 2 / A. H. Johnstone, T. I. Morr                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 JOH          E001285   Chemistry Takes Shape : book 4 / A. H. Johnstone, T. I. Morr                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 JOH          E002626   Chemistry Experiments / Mary Johnson                                         [S.l.] : Usborne, [n.d.]  

540 KNE          E000035   Chemistry : facts, patterns, and principles / W. R. Kneen, M                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Addiso 

540 LAM          E000036   Practical Chemistry / by John Lambert, T. A. Muir                            [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 LAM          E000257   Concise Certificate Chemistry / Victor F. Lam                                [S.l.] : Hung Fung, [n.d. 

540 LEE          E001919   Pre-University Chemistry : priniciples and calculations volu                 [S.l.] : Pomann, [n.d.]   

540 LEE          E001920   Pre-University Chemistry : principles and calculations Volum                 [S.l.] : Pomann, [n.d.]   

540 LEW          E001219   Thinking Chemistry / Michael Lewis, Guy Waller                               [S.l.] : Oxford, [n.d.]   

540 LIN          E001922   A compendium of Certificate Chemistry / Jason Ling                           [S.l.] : Goodman, [n.d.]  

540 LIS          E003752   Understanding Chemistry for Advanced Level 1/91 / Ted Lister                 [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540 LIS          E003870   Understanding Chemistry for Advanced Level / Ted Lister, Jan                 [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540 MAH          E001399   University Chemistry / Bruce H. Mahan                                        [S.l.] : Addison-Wesley,  

540 MAP          E004519   Advanced Chemistry : an enquiry-based approach / James Maple                 London : John Murray, 199 

540 MCD          E003881   Examining GCSE Chemistry / Bob McDuell                                       [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540 MIL          E002004   Chemistry : structure and dynamics / Francis Marion Miller                   [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

540 MIL          E003784   Chemistry : a contemporary approach third edition / G. Ty                 [S.l.] : Nadsworth, [n.d. 

540 MUF          E001001   Revised Nuffield Chemistry : handbook for pupils                             [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540 RAM          E003218   Chemistry for GCSE / E. N. Ramsden                                           [S.l.] : Basil Blackwell, 

540 RAM          E003785   A new First Chemistry Course / E. N. Ramsedn                                 [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540 RAM          E004517   Chemistry of the Environment / E. N. Ramsden                                 Cheltenham : Stanley Thor 

540 ROG          E001403   Assignments Sheets from Assignments in Practical Chemistry /                 [S.l.] : Hutchinson, [n.d 

540 ROG          E001849   Assignments in Practical Chemistry / T. E. Rogers, B. C. Wil                 [S.l.] : Hon Wing, [n.d.] 

540 ROS          E001404   Theory and Problems of College Chemistry / by Jerome L. Rose                 [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

540 RYA          E004775   Chemistry for you / by Lawrie Ryan                                           Cheltenham : Stanley Thor 

540 SCH          E005715   The genie in the bottle : 64 all new commentaries on the fas                 New York : Henry Holt and 

540 SLA          E002756   The chemistry Dimension : a coursebook for GCSE / Bryan Slat                 [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 SMI          E000777   Questions in Chemistry / A. L. H. Smith, R. N. Fox                           [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

540 STO          E000971   A modern Approach to Chemistry / J. D. Stove, K. A. Phillips                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540 STO          E003965   Intoduction to Chemical Principles 4/93 / H. Stephen Stoker                  [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 STO          E003968   Introduction to Chemical Principles / H. Stephen Stoker                      [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540 TER          E006254   Chemistry the atom and elements / written and illustrated by                 [USA] : Crazy-Brainz, 201 

540 TON          E002053   School Certificate Chemistry 1 : a conceptual and explanator                 [S.l.] : Youth, [n.d.]    

540 TON          E002054   School Certificate Chemistry 2 : a conceptual and explanator                 [S.l.] : Youth, [n.d.]    

540 UND          E002051   Chemistry / D. N. Underwood, D. E. Webster                                   [S.l.] : Federal, [n.d.]  

540 WAL          E002003   Condensed Chemistry / Guy Waller                                             [S.l.] : Hodder and Stoug 

540.151 ADV      E002536   Advanced Chemistry Calculations / ed. by Alec Thompson, Lamb                 [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540.2 CHE        E004467   Chemistry and Archaelolgy - pinpointing the past / ed. by Do                 London : The Education Di 

540.3 DIC        E001940   Dictionary of Chemistry                                                      [S.l.] : Charles Letts, [ 

540.3 MIA        E001291   Miall's Dictionary of Chemistry / ed. by D. W. A. Sharp                      [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

540.7 HUN        E005381   A2 Chemistry / [by] Andrew Hunt                                              London : Hodder & Stought 

540.7 HUN        E005382   AS Chemistry / [by] Andrew Hunt                                              London : Hodder & Stought 

540.7 SEL        E004469   Selected Papers in Chemical Education Research : implication                 India : International Uni 

540.76 ABR       E004159   Basic Chemistry Questions for GCSE / Bernard Abrams                          Cheltenham : Stanley Thor 

540.76 ALL       E003725   Higher Grade Chemistry / Eric Allan, John Harris                             [S.l.] : Hodder & Stought 

540.76 ALL       E003783   Higher Grade Chemistry / Eric Allan, John Harris                             [S.l.] : Hodder & Stought 

540.76 ATH       E004167   Chemistry for Today and Tomorrow / M A Atherton, J K Lawrenc                 London : John Murray, 197 

540.76 BAR       E002537   Work Out Chemistry 'O' Level and GCSE / A. L. Barker, K. A.                  [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540.76 BER       E003726   Reading about Chemistry / Martyn Berry, Steuart Kellington                   [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540.76 BRE       E003724   Chemistry for Science and Engineering / W. G. Breck, R. J. C                 [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

540.76 BUR       E002535   Work Out Chemistry for Advanced Level / D. A. Burgess                        [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540.76 BUR       E002731   Work Out Chemistry for Advanced Level / D. A. Burgess                        [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

540.76 CHA       TR01240   Effective practice for new AL chemistry (2007 onwards) / [by                 Hong Kong : Martindale, 2 

540.76 CHE       E000259   Chemistry : special selected multiple choice questions for H                 [S.l.] : Lantco, [n.d.]   

540.76 CHE       E000262   Systematic Approach to Chemistry : multiple choice questions                 [S.l.] : Wilson, [n.d.]   

540.76 CHE       E004071   1994-1995 Chemistry (Advanced Level) Study Guide                             Hong Kong : K. T. Chong S 

540.76 CHE       E004072   1994-1995 Chemistry (Advanced Level) Study Guide                             Hong Kong : K. T. Chong S 

540.76 CHE       E004073   1994-1995 Chemistry (Advanced Supplementary Level) Study Gui                 Hong Kong : K. T. Chong S 

540.76 CHE       E004074   1994-1995 Chemistry (Advanced Supplementary Level) Study Gui                 Hong Kong : K. T. Chong S 

540.76 CHE       E005770   A Level Chemistry (Topical) / project editor by S. Chua                      Singapore : Redspot Publi 

540.76 CHE       E006170   Chemistry alternative to practical (yearly) 1994-2009 / publ                 Pakistan : Redspot Publis 

540.76 CHE       E006171   Chemistry (topical) 1996-2009 : GCE A level worked solutions                 Pakistan : Redspot Publis 

540.76 CHE       E006172;  Chemistry (topical) 2000-2010 : GCE A level worked solutions  c.1;;c.2       Pakistan : Redspot Publis 

540.76 CHE       TR00197   Chemistry (Advanced Level) : Study Guide (For students to pr                 Hong Kong : PLK Vicwood K 

540.76 CHE       TR00198   Chemistry (Advanced Supplementary Level) : Study Guide 1994-                 Hong Kong : PLK Vicwood K 

540.76 CHE       TR01445   GCE 'A'level 1000 chemistry MCQ with helps : frequently exam                 Singapore : Redspot Publi 

540.76 CHE       TR01511   Chemistry (topical) 2000-2013 : GCE A level worked solutions                 Pakistan : Redspot Publis 

540.76 CHE       TR01512   Chemistry alternative to practical (yearly) 1997-2013 / publ                 Pakistan : Redspot Publis 

540.76 CLA       E006168   O-level classified Chemistry / published by Redspot Publishi                 Pakistan : Redspot Publis 

540.76 EDG       E002631   Chemical Calculations in SI Units / A. V. J. Edge                            [S.l.] : Hon Wing, [n.d.] 

540.76 FUN       E000263   Model Examination Papers in Chemistry / P. H. Fung                           [S.l.] : Xerox, [n.d.]    

540.76 GAR       E002630   Higher Chemistry / Dennis Garvie, John Reid, Anne Robertson                  [S.l.] : Oxford, [n.d.]   

540.76 GEN       E002806   Advanced Level General Certificate of Education 1988 : chemi                 [S.l.] : Northern Ireland 

540.76 HO        TR01239   Chem-is-try : inorganic chemistry and chemistry in action qu                 Hong Kong : Fillans, 2007 

540.76 HON       E002057   H. K. A. L. Structured Chemistry Questions Answered                          [S.l.] : Contemporary, [n 

540.76 HON       E002058   H. K. A. L. Chemistry Problems                                               [S.l.] : Contemporary, [n 

540.76 JOH       E003879   Chemistry for GCSE / Colin Johnson                                           [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

540.76 KOO       E000261   Understanding Chemistry thro' Objective Items / by C. M. Koo                 [S.l.] : Educational, [n. 

540.76 LEE       E000115   'A'- Level Chemistry Test Papers / C. C. Lee, C. Y. Tong                     [S.l.] : Hung Fung, [n.d. 

540.76 LIS       E004516   Upgrade Chemistry A-Level / Ted Lister, Janet Renshaw                        Cheltenham : Stanley Thor 

540.76 MCD       E003416   A-Level Chemistry : course companion / Bob McDuell                           [S.l.] : Charles Letts, [ 

540.76 MCD       E004773   A level questions and answers : Chemistry / by Bob McDuell                   London : Letts Educationa 

540.76 PUR       E006169   Pure Chemistry (yearly) 1998-2008 / published by Redspot Pub                 Pakistan : Redspot Publis 

540.76 RAM       E002659   Questions on Chemistry for GCSE / E. N. Ramsden                              [S.l.] : Basil Blackwell, 

540.76 RAM       E003731   Calculations for A-Level Chemistry / E. N. Ramsden                           [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540.76 RAM       E003751   Calculations for A-Level Chemistry 2/87 / E. N. Ramsden                      [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540.76 RAM       E004160   Key Science : chemistry / Eileen Ramsden                                     Cheltenham : Stanley Thor 

540.76 RAM       E004161   Key Science : chemistry -- teacher's guide / Eileen Ramsden                  Cheltenham : Stanley Thor 

540.76 REG       E003966   Chemistry : principles & practice 1/93 /  Reger,  Goode,  Me                 [S.l.] : Saurders College 

540.76 SCO       E003871   Using Your Chemistry Comprehension Questions for A. L. / P R                 [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540.76 SCO       E003872   Using Your Chemistry Answers / P R Scott                                     [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

540.76 STA       E002006   Advanced Chemistry Multiple Choice Tests / J. G. Stark                       [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540.76 STE       E002007   Multiple-Choice Questions for A-Level Chemistry / Derek Steb                 [S.l.] : Butterworths, [n 

540.76 SWA       E000104   Structured Questions in A Level Chemistry / J. R. L. Swain,                  [S.l.] : Hodder and Stoug 

540.76 TAN       TR01241   Chemistry for you (for HKCEE 2005 onwards) 1B / [by] M. W. T                 Hong Kong : Jing Kung, 20 

540.76 TAY       E003866   Chemistry at Work / J. R. Taylor                                             [S.l.] : John Murray, [n. 

540.76 TAY       E004154   Chemistry at Work / J. R. Taylor                                             London : John Murray, 199 

540.76 TOH       TR01237   Solutions to your GCE A-level exams chemistry - 2003 Novembe                 Singapore : Step-by-Step, 

540.76 TON       E000256   Chemistry Test Papers for HKCEE / C. Y. Tong                                 [S.l.] : Greenwood, [n.d. 

540.76 VIC       E002807   Victorian Certificate of Education VCE (HSC) Core Examinatio                 [S.l.] : Victorian Curric 

540.76 WON       E000255   Revision Exercises on Chemistry for Certificate Examination                  [S.l.] : Wah Fung, [n.d.] 

540.76 WON       ED00615;  New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Student Handbook / Y  v.1 c1;;v.1c2  Hong Kong : Manhattan Pre 

540.78 BOR       TR00961   Chemical activities : teacher edition / [by]Christie L. Borg                 Washington : American Che 

540.78 LEC       E005716   Inquiry-based experiments in Chemistry / [by] Valerie Ludwig                 Washington : American Che 

540.92 CHE       E004468   Chemists through the years Part II / ed. by Douglas Servant                  London : The Education Di 

541 CAP          E006264   The nature of matter / by Christine Caputo                                   Pelham, NY : Benchmark Ed 

541 CAP          E006265   Foundations of matter  / by Christine Caputo                                 Pelham, NY : Benchmark Ed 

541 CAP          E006266   Interactions of matter / by Christine Caputo                                 Pelham, NY : Benchmark Ed 

541 MAU          E006256   Changing matter : understanding physical and chemical change                 Florida : Rourke Educatio 

541.2 AND        E001397   Principles of Chemistry : an introduction to theoretical con                 [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

541.2 ATK        E000975   Quanta : a handbook of concepts / P. W. Atkins                               [S.l.] : Clarendon, [n.d.  

541.2 BRO        E000113   A new Guide to Modern Valency Theory / G. I. Brown                           [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

541.2 CAR        E000105   Valency and Molecular Structure / E. Cartmell, G. W. A. Fowl                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Butter 

541.2 COM        E001780   Chemical Bonding / Audrey L. Companion                                       [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

541.2 MUR        E000106   Valence Theory / J. N. Murell, S. F. A. Kettle, J. M. Tedder                 [S.l.] : E L B S / John W 

541.2 SCO        E003371   Odd-Electron Species : the chemistry of free radicals / P. R                 [S.l.] : Cambridge Univer 

541.2 TON        TR00157   New Syllabus Certificate Chemistry : Model Test Papers / byC                 Hong Kong : Greenwood Pre 

541.2 TON        TR00531   New syllabus certificate Chemistry : multiple choice questio                 Hong Kong : Goodwood Pres 

541.3 ATK        TR00111   The Elements of Physical Chemistry / by P. W. Atkins                         New York : Oxford Univers 

541.3 AVE        E001118   Basic Reaction Kinetics and Mechanisms / H. E. Avery                         [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

541.3 BAR        E004429   Physical Chemistry / Gordon M. Barrow                                        New York : McGraw-Hill, 1 

541.3 GAS        E000974   Entropy and Energy Levels / R. P. H. Gasser, W. G. Richards                  [S.l.] : Clarendon, [n.d. 

541.3 GLA        E000964   Elements of Physical Chemistry / Samuel Glasstone, David Lew                 [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

541.3 GLA        ED00241   Elements of Physical Chemistry / Samuel Glasstone, David Lew                 [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

541.3 HEY        E003220   Physical Chemistry / H. L. Heys                                              [S.l.] : Nelson, [n.d.]   

541.3 HOL        E000992   Revision Notes in Advanced Level Chemistry : volume three ph                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

541.3 LIP        E002052   Modern Physical Chemistry / G. F. Liptrot, J. J. Thompson, G                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Bell & 

541.3 MAN        E001401   Principles of Physical Chemistry / David H. Mansfield                        [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

541.3 MAN        E002851   Principles of Physical Chemistry / David H. Mansfield                        [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

541.3 WEN        E002757   Ionic Organic Mechanisms / Charles Went                                      [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

541.3 WOO        E000226   Problems in Physical Chemistry / A. Wood                                     [S.l.] : Clarendon, [n.d. 

541.3 WRI        E002736   The nature of Electrolyte Solutions / Margaret Robson Wright                 [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

541.3076 SHA     E002835   Work Out Physical Chemistry / D. J. Shaw, H. E. Avery                        [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

542 HAZ          E002634   Hazardos Chemicals : a manual for schools and colleges                       [S.l.] : Oliver & Boyd, [ 

542 HIL          E001405   Chemistry in Context : laboratory manual and study guide / G                 [S.l.] : Nelson, [n.d.]   

542 HIL          E003221   Chemistry in Context : laboratory manual and study guide / G                 [S.l.] : Nelson, [n.d.]   

542 INT          E001781   Introduction to Laboratory Chemistry : organic and biochemis                 [S.l.] : Addison-Wesley,  

542 RAM          E002660   Practical Chemistry for GCSE / E. N. Ramsden                                 [S.l.] : Basil Blackwell, 

542 RAM          E003203   Practical Chemistry for GCSE / E. N. Ramsden                                 [S.l.] : Basil Blackwell, 

542 RAT          E003372   A-Level Practical Chemistry : students' guide / Brian Ratcli                 [S.l.] : Cambridge Univer 

542 RAT          E003373   A-Level Practical Chemistry : teachers' guide / Brian Ratcli                 [S.l.] : Cambridge Univer 

542 ROH          E005717   101 Intriguing labs, projects, and activities for the Chemis                 Ohio : Brian Rohrig, 1999 

542 SIE          E002533   Experimental Chemistry / Michell J. Sienko, Robert A. Plane,                 [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, [n. 

542 WIL          E004403   Chemistry Puzzle Aid / Martin Williams                                       London : Foulsham, 1993   

544 CHE          E000108   Chemical Calclations & Qalitative Analysis / E Cheng, J Chow                 [S.l.] : Wilson, [n.d.]   

544 KAM          E003734   Qualitative Analysis (inorganic and organic) for A-Level / K                 [S.l.] : Federal, [n.d.]  

544 KIT          E002005   A guide to A-Level Qualitative Analysis / T M Kitwood                        [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

545 BEN          E001426   Qualitative Chemical Analysis /  Bentley                                     [S.l.] : Hong Kong Univer 

545 LAM          E000227   Essentials of Volumetric Analysis / by John Lambert, A. Hold                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

545 LEE          E000119   Volumetric Analysis : techniques, principles and calculation                 [S.l.] : Greenwood, [n.d. 

545 VOG          E001398   Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : includ                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

546 ABB          ED00242   Inorganic Chemistry / by David Abbott                                        [S.l.] : Mills & Boon, [n 

546 BRO          E001005   Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry / G I Brown                              [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

546 BRO          E002464   Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry / G I Brown                              [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

546 CHA          E002538   Inorganic Chemistry / C. Chambers, A. K. Holliday                            [S.l.] : Butterworths, [n 

546 CHE          E001478   Chemistry Metallurgy : a special study                                       [S.l.] : Penguin, [n.d.]  

546 COT          E002467   Basic Inorganic Chmeistry / F. Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilki                 [S.l.] : John Wiley, [n.d 

546 COT          ED00139   Advanced Inorganic Chemistry : a comprehensive text / F. Alb                 [S.l.] : Wiley Eastern, [ 

546 COT          TR00113   Basic Inorganic Chemistry / by F. Albert Cotton, Geoffraey W                 New York : John Wiley &So 

546 HOL          E000991   Revision Nootes in Advanced Level Chemistry : volme two inor                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

546 LEE          E000112   A new Concise Inorganic Chemistry / by J. D. Lee                             [S.l.] : E L B S / Van No 

546 LIP          E000984   Modern Inorganic Chemistry / G. F. Liptrot                                   [S.l.] : E L B S / Mills  

546 MUR          E000987   Structural and Comparative Inorganic Chemistry : a modern ap                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

546 SHA          E001288   Inorganic Chemistry / Alan G. Sharpe                                         [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

546 TON          TR00154   A-L Inorganic Chemistry : New Syllabus / by C. Y. Tong                       Hong Kong : Hung Fung, 19 

546 TON          TR00158   New Syllabus 'A' Level Inorganic Chemistry : Problems & Solu                 Hong Kong : Greenwood Pre 

546 WEL          E001406   Structural Inorganic Chemsitry / A. F. Wells                                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Oxford 

546 WIL          E000778   Essential Ideas in Inorganic Chemistry / D. E. Wilson                        [S.l.] : Hodder and Stoug 

546 WIL          E000982   General and Inorganic Chemistry / J. G. Wilson, A. B. Newall                 [S.l.] : Cambridge Univer 

546.3 LO         E000167   A dictionary of Inorganic Chemistry / compiled by K. Lo                      [S.l.] : Culture, [n.d.]  

546.8 BAR        E006267   Sorting the elements : the periodic table at work / [by] Ian                 Vero Beach, FL : Rourke,  

547 BRO          E000988   A new Introduction to Organic Chemistry / G. I. Brown                        [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

547 BRO          E001287   Organic Chemistry for Higher Education / John Brockington, P                 [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

547 CAR          E004428   Organic Chemistry / Francis A. Carey                                         New York : McGraw-Hill, 1 

547 CHE          E004981   GCSE science chemistry : for single and double awards                        London : Dorling Kindersl 

547 COX          E004724   A-Level Chemistry / Michael C Cox, Philip J Barratt                          Essex : Longman, 1997     

547 COX          E004725   A-Level and AS-Level Chemistry / Michael C. Cox                              Essex : Longman, 1997     

547 DAV          E000986   Organic Reacations at Advanced Level (a student guide for la                 [S.l.] : Bell & Hyman, [n 

547 FES          E001782   Organic Chemistry / Ralph J. Fessenden, Joan S. Fessenden                    [S.l.] : Willard Grant, [ 

547 FIN          E000107   Problems and Their Solution Inorganic Chemistry / I. L. Fina                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

547 FIN          E001286   Organic Chemistry Volume 2 : stercochemistry and the chemist                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

547 FIN          E002852   Organic Chemistry through Experiment / by H. S. Finlay, D. J                 [S.l.] : Bell & Hyman, [n 

547 FIN          ED00141   Organic Chemistry Volume Two : stereochemistry and the chemi                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

547 FOG          E004980   Cracking the AP : Chemistry exam / by Paul Foglino                           New York : Princeton Revi 

547 GER          E001007   A modern Coruse of Organic Chemistry / John R. Gerrish, Rich                 [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

547 HOL          E000990   Revision Notes in Advanced Level Chemistry : volume one orga                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

547 LAI          E000260   O-Level Organic Chemistry / by P. H. S. Lai                                  [S.l.] : Hung Fung, [n.d. 

547 MAC          E002465   Guidebook to Organic Synthesis / Raymond K. Mackie, David M.                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

547 MAS          E004982   Chemistry the easy way / Joseph A. Mascetta                                  New York : Barron's       

547 MCC          E001941   Flow-Schemes in Organic Chemistry / Colin McCarty                            [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

547 MCD          E004983   GCSE Chemistry / Bob McDuell                                                 London : Letts, 1997      

547 MCD          E004984   GCSE questions and answers chemistry : key stage 4 / Bob McD                 London : Letts, 1999      

547 MUR          E000967   Principles of Organic Chemistry : a modern and comprehensive                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

547 MUR          E001152   Principles of Organic Chemistry : a modern and comprehensive                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

547 MUR          ED00262   Principles of Organic Chemistry : a modern and comprehensive                 [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

547 NOR          E000993   Modern Organic Chemistry / R. O. C. Norman, D. J. Waddington                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Bell & 

547 NOR          E001778   Modern Organic Chemistry / R. O. C. Norman, D. J. Waddington                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Bell & 

547 NOR          E002469   Modern Organic Chemistry / R. O. C. Norman, D. J. Waddington                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Bell & 

547 SHU          E000258   Fundamental Organic Chemistry : a more detailed treatment fo                 [S.l.] : Greenwood, [n.d. 

547 SOL          E001943   Organic Chemistry / T. W. Graham Solomons                                    [S.l.] : John Wiley, [n.d 

547 SOL          TR00112   Organic Chemistry / by T. W. Graham Solomons                                 New York : John Wiley &So 

547 STA          E000981   Primary Metabolism : a mechanistic approach / J. Staunton                    [S.l.] : Clarendon, [n.d. 

547 SYK          E000995   A guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry / Peter Sykes                  [S.l.] : Longman, [n.d.]  

547 TEM          E001939   Basic Organic Chemistry / W. Templeton                                       [S.l.] : MacDonald and Ev 

547 TON          TR00155   New Syllabus 'A' Level Organic Chemistry : Problems & Soluti                 Hong Kong : Greenwood Pre 

547 TON          TR00156   Advanced Level Organic Chemistry New Syllabus / by C. Y. Ton                 Hong Kong : Hung Fung, 19 

547 VOG          E000109   Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 1 : small scale                  [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

547 VOG          E000110   A textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry : including qualit                 [S.l.] : E L B S / Longma 

547 WIL          E001196   Organic Chemistry : a conceptual approach / G. H. Williams                   [S.l.] : Heinemann, [n.d. 

547.076 FES      E002629   Techniqes and Experiments for Organic Chemistry / Ralph J. F                 [S.l.] : Willard Grant, [ 

547.076 HON      E002059   H. K. A. L. Organic Chemistry Problems (with detailed soluti                 [S.l.] : Contemporary, [n 

547.076 SOL      E001942   Soltions Manual for Organic Chemistry / T. W. Graham Solomon                 [S.l.] : John Wiley, [n.d 

547.7076 BIL     E003727   Textbook of Polymer Science / Fred W. Billmeyer                              [S.l.] : John Wiley, [n.d 

548.82 2829      C016327   別被毒品綁架了 = Living without drugs : 揭開「毒品」真相 /                   台北 : 天佑智訊, 2007     

549.03 KOR       E005595   The complete encyclopedia of minerals : descriptions of over                 [S. I.] : Rebo Publishers 

552 COW          E001921   Revision Chemistry / M. A. Cowd, P. J. Miller                                [S.l.] : Butterworths, [n 

552 WOO          E005594   Rocks & minerals / [by] Alan Woolley ; photography by Mike F                 London : Usborne, 2000    

615.5 ROB        E005596   Nothing is without poison / [by] Michael B. Roberts                          Hong Kong : The Chinese U 

620.1 MCD        E003729   Metals and Corrosion / Bob McDuell                                           [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

620.1 MCD        E003869   Metatls and Corrosion / Bob McDuell                                          [S.l.] : Stanley Thornes, 

620.1 STO        E001984   Modern Materials / A. Stoker                                                 [S.l.] : Cambridge Univer 

620.1 STO        E003300   Modern Materials / A. Stoker                                                 [S.l.] : Cambridge Univer 

628.5 ANA        E005713   Green Chemistry : theory and practice / [by] Paul T. Anastas                 New York : Oxford, 2000   

628.5 LAN        E005714   Green Chemistry : an introductory text / [by] Mike Lancaster                 Cambridge : Royal Society 

660.2 FIE        E002733   Chemical Engineering : introductory aspects / Robert W. Fiel                 [S.l.] : Macmillan, [n.d. 

664.07 KIT       E006255   The kitchen as laboratory : reflections on the science of fo                 New York : Colubmbia Univ 

784.1 1472       C014088   淡紫色 / 塞門.加菲爾(Simon Garfield) ; 馬謙如譯                            台北 : 商周, 2002         

784.75 8014      CD01468   諾貝爾的故事 / 李明明編著                                                    台北 : 達觀, 2004         

784.8 7080       C011018;  羅蒙諾索夫 / 治中編著                                         c.1;;c.2       香港 : 三聯, 1999         

788 2760         C001584   名化學家小傳(上) / 馬諾洛夫著                                              [S.l.] : 科學普及, [n.d.] 

                 A000699   GCSE science chemistry [computer file] : for single and doub                                           

                 A001883   不吃假食物的第一本書 [videorecording]                                                                  

                 AD00354   Mentoring video package for Hong Kong school teachers [video                 Hong Kong : The Universit 

                           Body care chemistry[化學訂購]                                                Crabtree                  

                 C020046   改變世界的七種元素                                                           天下文化                  

                 C020047   化學英文入門--詳註Pauling-Hayward : 分子的建構                               三民                       

                 C020048   改變歷史的50種礦物                                                           積木                      

                 C020049   3小時讀通有機化學                                                            世茂                      

                 C020050   3小時讀通稀有金屬                                                            世茂                      

                 C020051   益智化學                                                                     臺灣商務                  

                 C020052   益智化學續編                                                                 臺灣商務                  

                           Chemistry around the house[化學訂購]                                         Crabtree                  

                           Cleaning chemistry[化學訂購]                                                 Crabtree                  

                 ED00687   Edexcel GCE Chemistry (8080/9080) January 2004 Mark schemes                                            

                           Environmental chemistry[化學訂購]                                            Crabtree                  

                           Kitchen chemistry[化學訂購]                                                  Crabtree                  

                 TR00882   Edexcel GCE Chemistry advanced level unit test 5 6245/01 Jan                                           

                 TR00883   Edexcel GCE Chemistry advanced level unit test 6B (synoptic)                                           

                 TR00884   University of Cambridge international examinations : Chemist                                           

                 TR00885   University of Cambridge international examinations general c                                           

                 TR00962   21st Century complete guide to hydrogen energy and fuel cell                                            

                 TR01053   Oxford Cambridge and RSA examinations advanced GCE Chemistry                                            

                 TR01054   GCE Chemistry combined mark schemes and report on the units                                            

                 TR01055   University of Cambridge international examinations general c                                            

                 TR01056   University of Cambridge international examinations GCE advan                                           

                 TR01057   CEA rewarding learning advanced general certificate of educa                                           

                 TR01058   GCE A2 Chemistry summer 2006 mark schemes                                                              

                 TR01238   理科剪報2008 / 香港數理教育學會(HKASME)化學科委員會編                        香港 : 香港數理教育學會,